
When you post remember you are posting to a world audience. You must use correct punctuation - sentences must start with capital letters and end with full stops, check your spelling and use writing language not text language. Mrs FR

Wednesday 29 April 2015


On the Friday the 24th of April 2015, I had netball practise for my netball team, it wasn't my normal school netball team it was the SKC team that I have been asked to be in for the rest of the year. On the Friday that we had the practise it was a practise to get know who the other players were and a bit of practise. The next day was our real netball game, I was in the position of GA for the whole game. I thought that I played really well because I was always free to get the ball when I was needed. In the GS position was Mekeisha. I also thought that Mekeisha and I had a good connection because she always brought  her player out to the top of the circle and ran back so that I could throw it to her easier. For the game I got player of the day for all my hard work and great playing. (well that's what the coach said anyway)

Thursday 23 April 2015

The little kitten

There was once a man named John
John was a British soldier that was over in Gallipoli fighting against the Turkish. When he was out fighting, he was hanging back from the rest of the Germans for more back up when he heard a " meow". He quickly turned around to find a black and white kitten standing behind him. He Bent down to pick up the kitten, when he did he ran quickly over to the nearst wall of sand bags. He was thinking and thinking of a cool name to call him. Then a bright idea came to his head " Charlie." John took off his coat and was searching with determination to try and find a little bottle to feed Charlie with.

Throughout the rest of the war Charlie lived with John. John loved Charlie loved and Charlie lived John. John happily survived the war and is now living in his own house with his big cat Charlie.